The Ultimate Connection I.D. in J.C. (Jesus Christ)
The Ultimate Connection          I.D. in J.C. (Jesus Christ) 


Hi there! Got your ID handy? Bet you’re wondering, which one? We all have so many. I mean the tried and true You, not a facade. Discovering who you were meant to be is the most significant link to your existence!  


We all have a deep yearning to understand the truth of how and why we were put on this earth. Do our lives really even matter? Our self-centered attitude allows us to get sucked into believing that our earthly titles, tangibles, triumphs, and tragedies define who we are. We feel trapped, unable to lead the fulfilling life we so desire.


But what if who you are at the core of your existence resides in what is eternal instead of temporary? Pure instead of tainted? Genuine instead of generic?  What if the missing link to the ultimate connection was within your immediate grasp?


The awesome news is that HE is! Believing and receiving Jesus Christ, as your Lord and Savior fuses the chain that was broken by sin and permanently restores your relationship with God; giving you a totally new identity from the inside radiating out. A brand new lasting way of seeing yourself through God’s eyes instead of your own or that of others.


Scripture lays it out for us. “Therefore, if anyone is [ingrafted] in Christ (The Messiah) he is a new creation (a new creature altogether); the old [previous moral and spiritual condition] has passed away. Behold, the fresh {and} new has come!” 2 Corinthians 5:17 AMP. Maybe you’ve already experienced this life-changing encounter with Christ, but like me, you struggle with living consistently in this reality.  As a result, it hinders your effectiveness as a servant of Christ.


 Please join me in seeking and anchoring our daily lives in the realization that WE ARE WHO GOD SAYS WE ARE! Nailing down this enormous truth will allow us to face our days with joy in the absolute assurance of God’s lasting presence in our lives both now and through eternity.  I look forward to this journey of adventure as we strengthen our connection with Christ through Scripture, personal stories, resources, quotes, and songs.  


My prayer is that you will:

  • Prayerfully seek Christ to help you examine where you stand with Him.
  • Rely and rest daily on God’s perception of you, NOT the world’s or others around you.
  • Be inspired and ready to serve God through new channels as He leads you.




So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him,  rooted and built up in him and established in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. 

Colossians 2:6-7

Contact Darla Today!

Darla Fewox Bell
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